Corona, the deadly demon, has not yet finished its rampage. By then, another disease had begun to sweep the world. It is called monkeypox and monkey fever. The World Health Organization says that more than eighty people are infected with monkeypox in eleven countries around the world.
It has also warned that the number of infected people may increase. Moreover, it has given shocking information that more than fifty people in different countries may have been infected with monkeypox and that they have been subjected to tests based on suspicion.
However, there is no detailed information about their nationality. Cases of monkeypox have already been confirmed in Italy, Spain, Portugal, the United States and Britain. The latest outbreak was confirmed in Britain for the first time on the European continent.
Measles is not a new disease like the corona virus. Monkey disease is most common in remote areas of Central and West African countries. Now it is spreading across continents and affecting the whole world causing panic. Basically it is a viral infection.
The severity of this viral infection is usually mild. Britain’s National Health Service says that those affected will recover within a few weeks. Now it is spreading across continents and affecting the whole world causing panic. Basically it is a viral infection.
The severity of this viral infection is usually mild. Britain’s National Health Service says that those affected will recover within a few weeks. Now it is spreading across continents and affecting the whole world causing panic. Basically it is a viral infection.
The severity of this viral infection is usually mild. Britain’s National Health Service says that those affected will recover within a few weeks.There is no vaccineAlthough measles is a contagious virus, it does not spread easily from one person to another. Experts say that the risk to the public is very low.
There is no single vaccine for monkeypox. Because the virus that causes mumps is similar to the virus that causes smallpox, the smallpox vaccine provides up to 85 percent protection against mumps.
Two Types of Monkey MeaslesThere are two types of monkey measles. It is divided into West African type and Central African type.
symptomsThe symptoms of fever, headache, swelling, back pain, muscle pain and fatigue are seen in the students affected by this infection. Rashes occur when fever occurs. They mostly occur on the face. These small rashes can spread to other parts of the body. These rashes usually appear on the palms and soles of the feet. Eventually it becomes scabby and falls off. These lesions lead to scarring of the skin. The infection lasts for 14 to 21 days and then resolves on its own.
EffectsAlthough mumps is generally a benign disease, sometimes, it can cause serious effects. There are also reports that it has caused deaths in West African countries.
How is mumps virus spread?Measles is spread from person to person through close contact with someone who is already infected. The virus that causes mumps enters the human body through skin wounds and through the respiratory tract, mouth, nose, and eyes.
Measles was never said to be a sexually transmitted disease. However, it can be spread by having close physical contact with each other during sex. When in contact with animals such as monkeys, squirrels, rats, etc., which are infected with the disease, this germ is spread through beds and clothes that are contaminated with the virus that causes monkeypox.