Know Autism… Let’s Be Alert!

Is your child not looking into your eyes and talking? Playing alone without hanging out with anyone? Does your child have any unusual body language? It can even be a sign of autism. Yes, many families in India today do not know what autism is. ‘World Autism Awareness Day’ is observed on 2nd April every year. Accordingly, in order to create enough awareness, let us learn about autism in detail here and let us nurture the nursery in our homes.

What is Autism?*Autism is a disability. That is, a state of deviance from nature. To put it more simply, these people will be affected in the qualities and habits of living in society. *Autism is the ability of the child’s brain to block the ability to understand using the information that comes to it.

What does the data say?*A study says that forty percent of people with autism are unable to speak even after taking speech exercises. (For example: head banging, hand biting, skin branding, etc.).*Thirty to sixty percent of autistic children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).*More than half of autistic children suffer from sleep problems. Children have epilepsy problems.*Research shows that vaccinations do not cause autism.

*Twenty-eight percent of children with autism over the age of eight are ‘self-harming’. (For example: head banging, hand biting, skin branding, etc.).*Thirty to sixty percent of autistic children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).*More than half of autistic children suffer from sleep problems. Children have epilepsy problems.*Research shows that vaccinations do not cause autism. *Twenty-eight percent of children with autism over the age of eight are ‘self-harming’. (For example: head banging, hand biting, skin branding, etc.).*Thirty to sixty percent of autistic children suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

*More than half of autistic children suffer from sleep problems. Children have epilepsy problems.*Research shows that vaccinations do not cause autism.

Symptoms…*Difficulty in learning.*Difficulty in getting along with others.*Speech delay.*Inability to communicate with others through their body language. For example: If we smile, they don’t know how to smile back. If we show them ‘Data’, they don’t know how to show them back. *Doesn’t make eye contact.*Doesn’t look back when called by name or pet names.

*Doesn’t cringe when hit or dropped.*Doesn’t fear danger. For example : Running fast on roads for no reason, climbing high places…*Symptoms may vary from child to child. Similarly, their skills also vary.* Like other children, they do not look at objects that catch their eye with interest, and do not buy and play with them. *Some children are delayed in developmental milestones like standing and walking.

*Some children are able to laugh, talk, stand and walk like other children. But suddenly, at the age of two to three, it stops talking and does not interact with us. Symptoms appear in half of these cases.Cause and Risk Factors…*No exact cause has yet been identified as the cause. However, recent studies suggest that genetics may be the cause. If rubella virus attacks.

*If pregnant women have thyroid problem.*If folic acid is low during pregnancy.*Factors such as pregnancy stress, alcohol consumption, smoking, epilepsy and taking pills for mental illness cause this deficiency in the child.Find out…* If the above symptoms appear, the child should be immediately taken to the nearest general practitioner or paediatrician. They can detect it by doing a complete examination. *This defect can be easily detected within a year and a half after the birth of the child.

Solution…As mentioned earlier, there is no complete solution, however, 1. Fixing the symptoms and not bringing them under control (eg: If we are doing continuous treatment, they will look back if we call), 2. Talk to them, 3. Make them read in a way that they can understand, 4. In which field. Encouraging them to do things they are interested in (eg: putting an affected person to work in restaurants if they are patient and can chop fruit nicely). 5. By getting used to the challenges of daily life, the child can continue to live independently after our time (eg: bathing, brushing teeth, getting dressed). to dress oneself etc).

The Role of Traditional Medicine…Relieving children from the above symptoms, acclimating them to daily life, identifying and honing their skills can be achieved through ‘play therapy’ by conventional doctors. Three to six days of treatment per week are required. It should be done for at least six years. In general, there is no need to fear immediately if the child in our house is diagnosed with autism.

On the contrary, all they need is extra love and support, so if they do what they need to do without delay, they too are someday achievers. Also, it is necessary for each of us to keep in mind that Sir Isaac Newton, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and others are affected by autism.

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