Nutrients for youthful skin!

Women generally have a desire to be young. One of the things that helps a person stay young even as they age is their skin. The largest organ of our body is the skin. Even if there is a small incision or scar on it, we immediately get nervous.

Although there are many types of creams for skin care, adequate nutrients are also essential. Without them, the skin loses its luster, wrinkles quickly and signs of aging start to appear in the 30s. Let’s know what foods can be taken to avoid this.

*Selenium:;Its antioxidant properties prevent damage to body cells and ensure a youthful appearance. Selenium is rich in fish, eggs, liver, meat, grains, and garlic.

\*Vitamin C:Collagen is needed to keep the skin supple and elastic. It is this vitamin that produces those collagens. Vitamin C is abundant in oranges, guavas, kiwis, peppers, lemons, and chillies.

*Beta Carotene:This is an antioxidant that promotes skin rejuvenation and prevents the appearance of aging. It is rich in carrots, fruit juices, tomatoes, potatoes and green leafy vegetables.

*Vitamin E:This vitamin, almonds and vegetable oils prevent the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the skin. Sunflower seeds are rich in vitamin E.

*Zinc:It is necessary for the cells of the body to repair themselves and grow.; Seafood, whole grains and onions are high in zinc.

*Fat: Adequate fat is needed to keep the skin glowing, to prevent dryness and shriveling, and for skin cells to repair their damage. Omega 3 fats are especially essential. It is found in flaxseeds, walnuts, and seafood. Eating right and living a healthy lifestyle can keep you young forever.

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