The food we eat and the air we breathe also shed old cells and new cells appear. Due to the normal metabolic activities of the body, wastes accumulate in our body. It is necessary to follow detox methods from time to time to completely remove these wastes and keep the body fresh.
Blood is the river of life that flows throughout our body. Blood carries everything from the oxygen in the air to the nutrients in the food we eat to every cell in the body. Not only this, blood also plays an important role in carrying and removing unwanted waste from the body.
Eat iron-rich foods, water-rich vegetables and carotenoid-rich vegetables like carrots and beetroot to cleanse the blood. Red colored fruits should also be taken more. Drinking 2-3 liters of water daily is a detox trick to keep the blood pure. The king of organs is the liver.
The role of the liver in digesting the food we eat is enormous. Liver is the only organ in our body that can regenerate even if it is cut in half. It is such a hard worker. It works well till the last second when it is healthy. This is why liver damage can be diagnosed at an early stage.
To protect the liver, it is necessary to eat more easily digestible foods and sleep for eight hours without waking up at night. Keezhanelli is a friend of the liver. It cleans the liver by removing the unwanted fats and fats from the liver. People with jaundice People who are addicted to alcohol can use keezhanelli to clean the liver.
The main organ that starts working after coming out of the mother’s womb is the lungs. Protecting the lungs is one of the fundamentals of longevity. Medical studies suggest that the lungs need to be strong for the brain to function actively and enthusiastically. Lungs are adversely affected by poor environmental conditions, air pollution and smoking.
Mint has a special place in cleansing the lungs. Apart from this, antioxidant-rich ginger and turmeric are also good for purifying the lungs. Green tea, carrot, lemon can also be included in the diet. Breathing exercises called pranayama every morning upon waking and breathing in the ozone-rich morning air are good for the lungs.
Heart is the organ that keeps beating for us to keep us alive. It is necessary for the heart beat to be regular for the blood flow throughout the body to be regular. Keeping your blood pressure under control is an important way to keep your heart healthy.
Smoking is bad for the heart. Carotenoid-rich foods like carrots and beetroot and citric-rich foods like satikudi, oranges, and lemons play an important role in purifying the heart. Cardio exercises such as walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, skipping, dancing and aerobics are heart-protecting activities. The waste factory of our body is the kidney.
Kidneys do the important job of separating unwanted waste products from the blood that travel throughout the body and collect in the blood. Not drinking enough water daily, Kidneys are affected by alcoholism, high salt water etc. Banana stem cleanses the kidneys and makes them work better. Eating more water-rich vegetables and fruits can protect the kidneys.