How to prevent an ongoing heart attack?

heart attack has become something that attacks very young people regardless of age. Heart attack, which is known by various names such as heart attack, cardiac arrest, heart failure, and so on, because there is a need for each of us to know about it, here is about it.

You can know in detail. Heart attack is…? Any tissue in our body needs blood flow. Otherwise the tissues will be damaged and die. In that case, there will be effects according to the area where the tissue dies. For example, if the blood flow to the legs is affected and the tissues die, the legs will turn black, rot and die.

Then, there will be a situation where the heart needs to be surgically removed. Similarly, the heart. When heart tissue dies without blood flow, the heart stops working. Because the heart is the most important organ of our body, death occurs.

What does the data say…?*Seventeen million people worldwide die of heart disease.*Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in men.*One in six deaths is caused by a heart attack.*On average, one person dies of a heart attack every minute globally.

Let us know the reasons…* Fat, calcium etc. can be deposited inside the blood vessel. As a result, the blood flow will decrease. It can clog anywhere and affect not only the blood vessels leading to the heart but also the blood vessels leading from the heart to other organs. If more than two tubes are blocked when this happens, heart failure can occur and death can occur.

Risk factors…*High stress (Stress).*Long-term depression.*Eating too much fast food.*Taking processed foods.*Eating high-fat meat frequently.*Eating too many sweets.*Continuously sitting in one place for four hours. Sitting work.*Not exercising daily.*Being overweight since childhood.

*Smoking.*Drinking alcohol excessively.*Body mass index (BMI) exceeding 30. (ie BMI is to determine weight according to our height. It should be between 19 and 25.)*Blood pressure.*Diabetes.*Not taking regular pills for blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid and other heart problems.

Watching YouTube, TV and exercising without advice. *Consuming excessive steroid-based drugs for body building without the advice of a doctor or dietitian.*Eating too much oily products.*Sleeping pattern and time Non-adherence.* Women taking excessive contraceptive pills.

If the symptoms appear,chest pain should be taken immediately to the hospital. By performing ‘immediate treatments’ the heart can be made to work immediately. Then the doctors will diagnose the causes and correct them through blood tests and cardiac tests.

Solutions…*If necessary, the blockage in the blood vessels will be removed through surgery.*Also, two blood vessels will be connected and an alternative route will be made. Due to this the blood can flow smoothly.

Conventional Medicine…*After surgery, the chiropractor will prepare you to return to the previous environment with light exercises such as walking, going up and down stairs. So it is better to call the doctor and do the exercises taught by him.

To prevent…*Nutritious food items such as nuts, fruits, dry pulses, green vegetables etc. should be added more.*It is better to avoid eating fast food, processed food and fatty food. Moreover, it is better to do appropriate exercises appropriately with adequate advice from a regular doctor. , it is necessary to do health tests as mentioned above for people who have a muscular body.

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