Skin is the largest organ of our body. The symptoms of many diseases inside our body first appear on our skin. Starting with the smallest problems, the skin is the first to show us the biggest problems. Dr. Syed Iqbal, a dermatologist, says that the problem of PCOD that affects women can be predicted at the beginning based on some changes in the skin.
This is a problem caused by a lot of water clots in the ovaries. The exact reason why polycystic ovary syndrome affects women is still unknown. But the main cause of this problem is said to be our unhealthy lifestyle. People who do not have healthy eating habits, do not exercise properly, Polycystic ovary syndrome affects people who are overweight.
During this corona pandemic, the number of people suffering from obesity has increased manifold. Due to weight gain, the number of young women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome has also increased. Generally 20-30 percent of women, especially women of childbearing age, suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome.
In this polycystic ovarian disorder, cysts develop inside the uterus. Hormones start to be secreted from these watery lumps. Then the testosterone hormone that is secreted only in men starts to be secreted in women suffering from PCOD. So some of the changes that happen to men also happen to women. i.e. slight moustache, beard growth, acne breakouts, Symptoms such as hair fall start to appear. Apart from this, skin problems caused by insulin resistance are also symptoms of this.
Insulin not only controls sugar but also helps our entire body function. Obese people develop insulin resistance. This means that even when insulin is secreted, it does not go into the cells and give our body the energy it needs.
As insulin does not enter the cells, they send a signal to the brain that they are not secreting insulin. The brain immediately increases insulin secretion. As a result, insulin remains intact and appears as patches on the skin. A skin lump on the neck is also a common symptom of polycystic ovary syndrome. The formation of oil on the face is due to the secretion of testosterone hormone.
To cure these skin problems, poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be treated first. Treatment for skin problems can also be taken as per the doctor’s prescription during that treatment. Some laser treatments can control unwanted facial hair without any side effects. Skin related problems caused by poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be properly treated by doctors.
Dr. Syed Iqbal says that if skin problems are caused by going directly to beauty salons and spas, if the real cause of a skin problem is investigated thoroughly, many deadly diseases from diabetes to cancer can be detected at an early stage and controlled with proper treatment. Treatment for skin problems can also be taken as per the doctor’s prescription during that treatment.
Some laser treatments can control unwanted facial hair without any side effects. Skin related problems caused by poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be properly treated by doctors. Dr. Syed Iqbal says that if skin problems are caused by going directly to beauty salons and spas, if the real cause of a skin problem is investigated thoroughly, many deadly diseases from diabetes to cancer can be detected at an early stage and controlled with proper treatment.
Treatment for skin problems can also be taken as per the doctor’s prescription during that treatment. Some laser treatments can control unwanted facial hair without any side effects. Skin related problems caused by poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be properly treated by doctors.
Dr. Syed Iqbal says that if skin problems are caused by going directly to beauty salons and spas, if the real cause of a skin problem is investigated thoroughly, many deadly diseases from diabetes to cancer can be detected at an early stage and controlled with proper treatment. Unwanted facial hair can be controlled without any side effects. Skin related problems caused by poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be properly treated by doctors.
Dr. Syed Iqbal says that if skin problems are caused by going directly to beauty salons and spas, if the real cause of a skin problem is investigated thoroughly, many deadly diseases from diabetes to cancer can be detected at an early stage and controlled with proper treatment. Unwanted facial hair can be controlled without any side effects. Skin related problems caused by poly cystic ovarian deficiency should be properly treated by doctors.
Dr. Syed Iqbal says that if skin problems are caused by going directly to beauty salons and spas, if the real cause of a skin problem is investigated thoroughly, many deadly diseases from diabetes to cancer can be detected at an early stage and controlled with proper treatment.